Chimney sweeping

As qulified chimney sweepers, we clean heating systems from soot and install missing soot doors which are located during expertise.

We offer fast and operative service even during wintertime.

Our work process is clean, so if the heating system is correctly serviced every year, you don't need to worry about covering furniture or carpets.

Regulary sweeped heating system works properly and gives you more heat.

As qulified chimney sweepers, we clean heating systems from soot and install missing soot doors which are located during expertise.


We offer fast and operative service even during wintertime.


Our work process is clean, so if the heating system is correctly serviced every year, you don’t need to worry about covering furniture or carpets.


Regulary sweeped heating system works properly and gives you more heat.

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+372 5177873

+372 5261681

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